Mitsubishi Electric Mr Slim PEAD-M Power Inverter Low Profile Ducted R32 10kW 3 Ph Set

Product number: PEADM-10.0-P3-SET

Mitsubishi Electric

Product Group : Ducted Systems - Mitsubishi Electric

The Mitsubishi Electric Mr Slim PEAD Series offers an elegant and stylish solution for both heating and cooling, seamlessly blending into your room with its low-profile, ducted design. Featuring a high-pressure static fan, it ensures precise temperature control and exceptional energy efficiency, making it the perfect choice for a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing environment.

• Specifications may differ depending on the application. Please refer to the manufacturer's brochures for details.• 

General Information
Product Group : Ducted Systems - Mitsubishi Electric
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mr-slim-air-conditioning-systems-brochure-2023-ast-3272213.pdf Brochures pdf 8.31 MB